Homemade BBQ Smoker Plans

Use my easy to follow homemade BBQ smoker plans and build your own smoker this coming weekend.
Right this minute you can download them to your computer, print them and get started. You get:-
  • A full set of drawings with measurements
  • Video guides
  • Comprehensive work instructions explaining every step
  • A full bill of materials
  • A list of the tools required
  • Tips and techniques to help you along the way
With these homemade BBQ smoker plans friends and family will marvel at your ability to produce great tasting BBQ from your own hand built smoker.
  • Don't Waste Money Buying A Smoker
  • Make Your Own Delicious Hot Or Cold Smoked Food
  • Enjoy The Satisfaction Of Knowing That You Built It & Cooked It Yourself
BBQ Smoked Pork Loin On My Homemade Hot Smoker Design I've specially designed my homemade BBQ smoker plans so that anyone can build a smoker in just one weekend. And yes, I do mean anyone!
Not only that, you can save a stack of money. How much would a smoker of this size and versatility cost you to buy? ......$400?.....$500? probably more.
Next weekend you could be smoking a pork butt or side of ribs over a water bath. Or maybe hanging fish to dry and warm smoking them to a beautifully moist and tender finish? Whatever your preference, this smoker has versatility designed into it.

Can You Really Build Your Own Smoker?

  • Can you saw and sand wood?
  • Can you use a drill and a screwdriver?
If you answered yes to those questions then with my plans you really can build your own smoker.
  • There's no cutting metal
  • No welding
  • No riveting
  • You don't need a sheet metal workshop at your disposal
Use the homemade smoker plans to build this I've spent a year researching designs, building prototypes, finding faults and continuous improvement to give you a product that is easy to build, cooks well can be made out of regular building materials.
You can hot smoke using a gas burner and you can cold smoke using a portable electric hotplate.
It's clean and cheap to run, easy to tend, just set it up and leave it.

Everything You Need To Become A Celebrated Pitmaster In Your Own Back Yard

Warm smoking mackerel in your homemade smoker
  • Cooking area of 588 square inches and sufficient height to smoke a large Thanksgiving turkey.
  • A hanging system for drying and cooking fish - Now you can make Scotch smoked salmon at a fraction of the cost you buy it in the supermarket.
  • Provision for a water bath so your food comes out moist and tender every time.
  • Heat and smoke by a propane burner or electric hotplate - set it up and leave it.
You will be admired not only for your smoking skills but also your ability to hand craft a smoker.

You can see from the list of chapters that everything is laid out in a structured fashion so you can easily read chapter by chapter as your project comes to life. Your homemade BBQ smoker plans are in PDF format and here's the full list of contents:-
Use The Home Made Smoker Plans Now Chapter 1.....About The Smoker Design
Chapter 2.....The Building Materials
Chapter 3.....Woodworking Tools
Chapter 4.....Tips And Techniques
Chapter 5.....Measurements
Chapter 6.....The Base
Chapter 7.....The Rear Panel
Chapter 8.....The Side Panels
Chapter 9.....The Top
Chapter 10....Assembly Phase 1
Chapter 11....The Smoke Spreader
Chapter 12....The Firebox Front Panel
Chapter 13....Assembly Phase 2
Chapter 14....Firebox Door
Chapter 15....Food Chamber Door
Chapter 16....Assembly Phase 3 – The Final Assembly
Chapter 17....Fixtures And Fittings
Chapter 18....Recipes And Recommendations
As a free bonus and so you get the best out of your smoker on your very first cookout I'm giving you my favorite smoker recipes in the last chapter!

Bar Be Cue Champ

Stop what you're doing and listen very closely...

... because everything you've been told about championship barbecue recipes is about to be proven wrong...
... dead wrong.

You probably don't believe that right now, and that's fine. In just a moment you'll see completely and utterly undeniable PROOF.
I Didn't Use Old Family Secrets, bribe the judges, have inside connections, or use the Techniques Everyone Else Is Talking About! I use real tactics that real champions use and I win practically every time!
And I'm Going To Show You How EASILY I Do It...
A 'Teenage Kid' With NO Prior Skills Or Experience Applied The SAME secrets I'm about to reveal to you And Went On To Win 5 first place trophies and 2 second place trophies his first year!
And Once You Download my book your mind will do flips at the things you never knew about real competition barbecue recipes, you will kick yourself in the butt for using your old basic methods all of these years and grilling average barbecue!

If you're 'trying' to make championship quality barbecue... grass-root, beginner, intermediate or advanced ... throw away ALL those old basic cookbooks you've bought over the years and read very carefully. I can't help you if you want the latest fad tips.
But what I can do for you today is ... reveal a system in 'absolute' detail, ... that once you apply, you will never go back to the traditional ways of grilling ever again. With this system, there are NO RULES, red tape and hardly anybody that can compete...
Because once you start using THIS system ... the championship barbecue trophies are going to add up so fast you're going to have to build a set of showpiece shelves just to house the massive beauties!
If you're up to your eye balls with all those false promises and generic cookbooks... then just imagine the look on your face when you win your first barbecue championship. Do you think you'll be smiling?

I know what you're thinking...
You're thinking is this guy legit?
Is it really worth your time to read this page? Will you finally get the secret answer you've been searching high and low for?
Well let me be frank with you ... to be successful and win barbecue championships... all you really need is My System and Will Power. PERIOD!!
So, I'm not going to sit here and talk to you like a child ... you're already smart enough to figure out, you need some inside tips. I'm not talking about a measly recipe, 10 or even 20. No. I'm talking about the kind of stuff that people keep in the family and never tell no matter what.
You DON'T need to be from a long line of barbecue champions
You DON'T need a fancy $15,000 smoker the size of a pickup truck
You DON'T need to know the judges
You DON'T need to have "inside connections"
You DON'T need to cheat, steal, or rob
You DON'T need to spend a fortune on supplies
You DON'T need to work long hours practicing
You DON'T need to be an expert at cooking anything
No matter what stage you are at with your barbecue skills, whether you're an absolute beginner or have 50 trophies sitting around your fireplace... you need to read every word on this page.
As what I'm about to unleash right before your very eyes will win you a lot of barbecue contests if you actually use it, and it's unlike anything you have ever seen before. This is the REAL deal!
I will reveal ONE SIMPLE 'SECRET' that will literally make ALL the problems you've encountered while barbecuing to this very day Vanish.
I'm going to reveal a 'detailed', step-by-step systematic solution that will bring YOU a LOT of BARBECUE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES which in effect will bring you alot of RESPECT and BRAGGING RIGHTS too. I will take you from the position you are at right now to a level where you once thought was an impossible dream.
I'm 100% certain that once you apply MY SYSTEM you will never turn back to any 'traditional' methods ever again.
Oh yeah, and one other huge benefit is... there is SERIOUS cash to be Won and Made with Killer Barbecue, and for it to happen you NEED MY SYSTEM.
There's no question about it. To win barbecue championships you need to know my secrets and after you apply my system...

With These Barbecue Recipes You Will Win an

Absurd Amount of Trophies...

barbecue recipes 12
That wasn't a misprint as I have won over 70 barbecue trophies across the United States in the last 2 years. I've won barbecue contests in the South, the East, the West, the Midwest, you name it.
I've also tried using the conventional ways of barbecuing, using conventional barbecue recipes and techniques... and EACH ONE wasn't good enough to consistently win 1st place barbecue trophies without a lot of luck and a lot of hassle.
Do you have any idea how sick and tired I was after months and months on end, using these techniques 'COMBINED', just to win a couple second and third place barbecue trophies?
But that's not all... do you know how many hoops you have to jump through, red tape and rules you're suppose to follow using the typical boring methods? Here's a small set of problems you'll encounter...
Competing against big names and local legends
Using too much charcoal
Not keeping a cool spot
Not using the right ingredients in your sauces
Not using the right equipment
Not using the right quality
Wasting money on the wrong supplies
Embarrassing yourself
Not using the right meats
And blah, blah, blah...
The number of rules you have to follow and the endless hours of work you have to do is 'unbelievable' to say the least. But what did you expect? An easy route?
I've tried all the so called secret bbq recipes with average results. I've bought book after book, guide after guide, and watched show after show, and hey I've learned a few things here and there, but...
... the learning curve for these techniques has been never ending too.


I Didn't Know A *THING* About Championship Barbecue Recipes Either!

I worked 'underground' trying to come up with a special barbecue recipe formula year after year.
Right up until late 2008, when things quickly began to change for me. My tiring quest for answers finally paid off as I began to uncover the TRUTH behind making the best barbecue recipes in the world... and it had nothing to do with the usual hard work and usual old methods they've been shoving down your throat either.
And since that revelation hit me, everything changed. I had a life 'makeover'. I became a new person.
Then I was bombarded ... by every person that had ever heard of me, not just from the barbecue competition crowd, but also from hundreds of backyard cooks, spectators, and even multi-national companies.
They all wanted to know my secrets... how the heck was I able to win competition after competition? How was I able to dominate bbq contests as a relatively unknown competitor?
Why did they want to know? Because if they knew what I know about barbecue, their lives would change dramatically for the better. They wanted my barbecue techniques, they wanted my barbecue recipes. Everyone wanted to literally "Bottle Up My Success" and sell it!

Knowing What You're Doing Is The Key To Success When It Comes To Winning Barbecue Contests, and I Know EXACTLY What I'm Doing...

Baking cakes, winning Nascar races, ironing or anything else I'm no expert at. But with barbecue, I am the guy you need to speak to as quickly as you can!
But before I reveal my secrets, let me quickly ask you - Are you ready for...
A step by step Barbecue Competition Winning System that's easy to understand and simple to use with little effort and no prior skill...
I know you WANT to make the best barbecue anyone's ever tasted so bear with me ... you WANT to be a barbecue champion... you WANT the best barbecue in the neighborhood ... 1st Class barbecue that has your neighbors and guests beggin for more and much more... but there is a problem.
This is what happens...
You get going on your grill or smoker and you end up doing a lot of guess work, you never really know exactly what you're supposed to be doing!! You know you're cooking it, but it's not exactly the work of a pro. Think about it ... how many times have you been grilling and thought... I'd really like to get good at this and then time goes by, it's time to grill again and you've done nothing, or you've read a couple new barbecue recipes??
That's why you're not 'doing' it ... that's ONE of the main reasons you are NOT making barbecue so undeniably good that people pull you over to the side and beg you to tell them your secrets. But that's not all... everything you've tried to date has been outright COMPLICATED and JUST TASTES AVERAGE and with just too many steps!! Sure your family and friends tell you it's some of the best they've ever had, but what do you expect them to say?
It's true ... right?
You need 'something' where you don't need to learn some complicated technique just to look fancy...
You need a simple to follow system that allows you to make barbecue that people crave and demand.
Once you do that ... you can finally STOP trying to figure out the secrets and start using them!
So ... let me really break it down for you...

You Need to use a Simple to understand
That's All, We're NOT trying to make things complicated for ourselves, I know. It's just that everything we have used in the past required SOOO much effort and endless work.
I'm not going to tell you to push a button and watch the best barbecue you've ever tasted appear on your plate like magic. NO! This method requires very 'little' understanding and very little work. There's one thing I can tell you for sure ... if you can read this page and follow some directions that's all the experience you will need to get started.
I've tried all the different techniques found in barbecue books from the store and I noticed plenty of FLAWS. Two things that always stood out every time... it required a lot of work and the barbecue was nothing special. Not ONE barbecue recipe was even close to competition quality... and if you've tasted real competition barbecue then you know it's the best stuff that will ever touch your lips and nothing else even comes close.
So let me ask you...
Do you want a 'system' that is SIMPLE to understand and apply?
Do you want a 'system' that will allow you to make the best barbecue in the world?
Do you want a 'system' that will put more trophies on your wall then you can count?
Well, you're only 3 steps away?
What are these 3 steps you ask..
In simple words...
Step 1 - Order my system and receive it instantly... I do mean instantly...there is no wait time
Step 2 - Read the easy to follow and entertaining directions
Step 3 - Lay back and eat the best barbecue you've ever had, while collecting Huge 1st place trophies
Are these steps easy enough for you?
In my years of making barbecue... I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly and there hasn't been anyone that has ever released these secrets... until now.
But I’m not going to 'insult' your intelligence and say download and see for yourself. No ... I don't like my time to be wasted and I respect yours too. If you think there is 'anything' out there on the internet or in a bookstore that is EASIER and BETTER than this ... then please do send me an email and let me know. I'd really love to know, but the truth is...
My top secret barbecue competition system is...
BIGGER than Rest
BETTER than the Rest
PLUS I OFFER a money back satisfaction Guarantee
And now I have some bad news...
Your Time Is Slipping Away Because You Are Looking For Barbecue Recipe Secrets In ALL The WRONG Places...
Why are you looking for this information? Why are you reading this page? What is it that you are after?
The latest secret? The underground strategy? The next big technique? No you’re NOT interested in any of that … what you are really interested in is ... 2 things.
#1 - Making the best Barbecue anyone has ever Tasted
#2 - Winning Barbecue Competitions
But as you spend day after day chasing the latest barbecue recipes and tricks which either cost too much money, take too much time to learn or just aren't that great ... you COULD have been getting compliments from everyone in town for your killer barbecue.
Now what IF I just gave you a simple to apply and understand System instead? A system which will show you exactly how to make the GOOD STUFF...would you consider it??
If you would have asked me that question a few years ago, I would have snapped your arm off for this kind of chance. Especially when I think about all of those years I wasted on your average over the counter barbecue books with your average over the counter barbecue recipes..
But even though you have that choice RIGHT NOW, I bet you are probably wondering how it could be possible to make competition barbecue without the usual methods, right?
After all, you have been looking high and low for this type of information for weeks, months and maybe even years. Well, let me tell you straight up.. Your search is over.


These Are The Barbecue Secrets That Will Make You A Legend!
Take a look at a few of the more basic things you'll learn...
How to prepare for competitions
Exact barbecue recipes to cook championship meats
The different types of cookers
Making the right wood choices
How to find barbecue competitions
How to use sauces the right way
How to instantly improve any barbecue recipe
The ultimate list of barbecue resources
Complete list of barbecue associations
How hot the fire should be for certain meats
Everything you'll ever need to know about smoking meats
The absolute best time to add the sauce
Selecting the right meats
Championship winning recipes
and much more...

They Have Been Holding YOU Back As YOU Could Have Been Doing This For Years...

I hate to tell you this, but you've been deceived. You have been distracted and led away from the real secrets to championship barbecue. Sure, some "experts" didn't mean to mislead you, because they didn't know any better themselves. But others did, and they still lied to you. Do you think they were really going to share their prized secrets?

I Will Personally Show YOU How to make the Best Barbecue Available Anywhere ... Step By Step
All without the usual back breaking, time consuming and expensive equipment and information you've been force fed until now.
Just think what that really means for you...
Imagine going to sleep not thinking ‘Man, I wonder how they do it, or dreaming of owning pieces of equipment that cost literally thousands of dollars… now I’ve got to do this, this, and this’, and save up this much money...
How many years have gone by now and STILL you have no clue how to really make barbecue like the big boys...
Yet still everything you read is another gimmick based upon the same technique you read several weeks ago in another magazine or book?? Right??
The 'New' techniques you keep reading about. It's just the SAME rehashed junk!!
You do value your time and money don't you? Then here's the question I need to ask you...

Do You Really Want This Or Are You Just Gonna Let Them SELL You Down The River?

Listen, last month I won Three 1st place barbecue trophies. Next month I'll do the same again.
And all this time, you will be chasing the next little trick and loophole, spending all your time, effort and money trying to make barbecue that is average or "better than last time". All this time, you will be obeying the rules of million dollar publishing companies that churn out barbecue books and magazines like butter.
You will continue to spend money and waste time with the same old stuff, hoping that "this will be the time".
Hundreds of dollars on grills, smokers, meat, and supplies all washed away in the distant hope of some real results. Dozens of hours all washed away and never to return.
Let me ask you, what could you be doing with all of that time and money right now, if you didn't have to throw it away on mediocre results that no one remembers or talks about? I know when I make barbecue people are going to be talking about it for years to come...
So I'm not going to beat around the bush as I know you're eager to get started ..


"Amazing Secret Finally Revealed by Retired Kentucky Restaurant Owner Eliminates All Guesswork... And Makes Cooking Up 'Practically Addictive' Barbecue Simple!"
Dear Friend,
If you've ever wanted to cook up barbecue so incredible your guests actually close their eyes, make the "mmmmm" sound, and ask the person next to them if they can believe what they're tasting... then this will be the most important message you ever read.
Here's what this is all about:
My name is Randy Pryor, and until recently, I was your basic BBQ "hack." I had a Weber and some tongs, what else did I need?
Sometimes I'd grill up the meat so it was perfect on the outside, but raw on the inside... then the very next BBQ, using the same equipment, my steaks would be fine on the inside and burnt on the outside.
I remember standing over the grill after everyone left, one emotional hair-trigger away from hauling the whole thing to the dumpster and never even attend another barbecue for the rest of my life.
Doesn't it drive you nuts? I had no consistency to my cooking at all, even after 20 years of barbecuing regularly. No way to tell how "done" the meat really was.
And it wasn't for lack of trying, either - I'd easily dropped several thousand dollars buying whatever equipment the "pro's" suggested at the time. I just couldn't make it work.
How My Life Changed - Forever
Quite a few years ago, my wife's grandfather owned a very successful restaurant in western Kentucky (known to many for their killer BBQ).
In fact, it was so successful that, when it was time to finally retire, the sale of the restaurant allowed him to put enough money away so that he and his wife can live "quite comfortably" for the rest of their lives.
About twice a year, my wife (who, at one time, worked in the restaurant) and I would fly back to Kentucky to visit all her relatives.
When I asked her grandfather if he would teach me how to barbecue (I mean really barbecue) he always declined (...something about me not understanding 'cause I was from California.)
Well, after many trips back east, and much arm-twisting, he finally considered the idea of sharing with me the closely guarded secrets of real BBQ'ing - the secrets he built his restaurant's reputation on, and the kind of barbecuing that folks talk about for weeks.
But, he did not want these secrets out in the world for "every Tom, Dick, and Harry." And, he was concerned that his town friends would be very upset if this information was just frittered away.
So, I promised him that I would only make this information available to the most serious barbecuers.
He said he'd have to think about it some more.
Six months later, we flew back. It seemed to me that every time I talked to him about the idea, he grew less and less receptive. So, I dropped it.
Then One Day, Out Of The Blue, It Happened...
He clicked off Jerry Springer, moved the TV tray, rolled out of the lay-z-boy, stood up and left the room. He returned with a shoe box. Then another. Then three cardboard boxes full of notebooks of all kinds.
There were literally hundreds of (what was thought to be long-lost) time-tested recipes, tips, and techniques that have been handed down from generation to generation.
The collected scraps of paper were found in attics, basements and pantries and given to granddad over the years. Often there was no way to know where they originally came from.
But, sometimes the names of the authors, or at least the name of the person writing it down, were scribbled on them. Folks named Aunt Orpha, Eva Nell, Daytha, Grandma Brownie, Bubb, Daddo, and Sweety.
This was the mother load.
I gave him my word that, as a teacher, I would catalog, research, test, and re-test the whole process before I taught anything to anyone.
And, because he still lives in the same little town in KY, where everyone knows everyone else's business, I promised him anonymity. He said he didn't care about all that, "... as long as folks didn't know who he was."
So, over the past 10 years, I've been quietly perfecting a simple step by step fool-proof system for teaching others the REAL art of barbecue and grilling.
Here's what others have said recently after using my system:

Everyone claims to have the best recipe or technique for cooking the best BBQ sauce, or the best BBQ ribs, or the best BBQ meat.
And really, it's a pride thing. We all want to be able to produce the best BBQ because America's culture is rooted in BBQ.
But the truth is that there is a LOT of bad BBQ out there... in restaurants and in backyards all across this country. And if you are a connoisseur of BBQ like me, then I am sure you have been unfortunate enough to try a bitter, tough rib or a mushy, tasteless piece of pork.
There are even guys out there that claim to be BBQ "gurus"... these guys write books on BBQ, they post recipes online and they even host TV shows! And, of course, they all claim to have the best BBQ in the world.
Now I am sure that several of these "gurus" recipes and slow-smoked techniques are good... but I can guarantee you that they have not put those recipes, methods and techniques through rigorous fire of BBQ Competition.
For the past 10 years, I have spent almost every weekend of the summer either at a BBQ contest - or practicing my BBQ skills at home.
Almost every weekend I compete against 20 - 50 guys who work just as hard as I do on my BBQ.
Almost every weekend I put my methods and my recipes up on the chopping block to be judged.
And I have to tell you, when you get a group of guys together - and put bragging rights and prize money on the line... weekend after weekend... the quality of BBQ that gets produced is taken to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!
And while the guys on TV and the restaurants strive to meet a certain level of quality within their BBQ, Competition cooks have to constantly try new ideas and work to improve every little detail of their BBQ - because that is what it takes to win. And believe me; every guy out there wants to win.
Basically, competition BBQ is the best BBQ that is being produced in the United States today... simply because it HAS to be the best - or you don't win.


"Who Else Wants to Discover Simple Secret Recipes for Mouth Watering, Fall Off The Bone Ribs, Chicken & BBQ Sauce So Tasty You'll Be the Envy of the Neighborhood...."

Amazing BBQ recipes so tasty your guests will line up for seconds and talk about it for weeks?

Date: March 12, 2013
From: Oscar Orillia
Dear Friend,
o you love barbeques... the smell of the ribs...  the taste of the burgers...  and time spent with friends and family? 
Do you want to grill... but don't actually know much about it? If so, then you've found the right site!
Here’s the story…
Most people spend on average $300+ for a BBQ grill, $25-$30 for steak, ribs or some other type of meat and then throw it on the grill and cross their fingers! Sometimes it comes out great but most of the time it's just average, dry or chewy...Sound Familiar?
Well that 's all about to change..
Your Guest's Will Line Up For Seconds...Begging For More!
About 25 years ago as a young buck I attended a backyard BBQ and remember sinking my teeth into  "competition quality", slow smoked ribs... I could not believe what I was tasting! Tender, juicy, rib meat that just melted in my mouth and exploded with flavor. 
How can these ribs be soooo good and my ribs so chewy? I thought...
Well, that was the turning point, I realized that there was a MASSIVE difference between doing it right and winging it! I spent years compiling "impossible to find" important information like exact times and temperatures needed to barbecue like the pro's.
Today I'm Going to Share With You the Closely Guarded Inside Secrets & Recipes of the Worlds Best Grill Master
Here's just a glimpse of what you'll discover...
The Secrets of Lo & Slow Smokin for Ultimate Flavor   

Heat Control: What You MUST Know before you Start

Make Your Foods Come Alive with Rubs, Oils and Marinades

How to Make The Most Mouth Watering Sauces

9 Secret BBQ Sauce Recipes to Die For

How to Season Meat For Ultimate Flavor and Taste

Over 60 of the Best Closely Graded BBQ Recipes that will Shock you Guests!
7 Amazing Recipes and Techniques for Grilling "Fall Off the Bone Ribs"
Never Have a Chewy, Tough Steak Again...Guaranteed!
This is Not Like Any Other Guide You've Read On Grilling
Why you ask? To be blunt, it's taken my years to compile this highly sot after, hard to find amazing information.  I've done all the hard work for you! You don't have to go through all that... you can simply purchase "The Ultimate Guide to a Delicious Back Yard BBQ" and learn in an hour or two how to grill like the pro's. 
I've Poured My Life into this Book and I Know You'll Love it...
Here are some professional BBQ secrets you can use immediately.
Secret #1. The secret is in the meat cooking more than it is in the sauce.
Most people are so eager to throw that professional secret sauce on their meat that they overlook how important it is to have tender meat. This is one of the great BBQ secrets. The meat texture comes first! Have you ever tasted overdone meat with a tangy sweet sauce. You feel like your chewing rubber and sauce. Make your priority tender meat, then comes the sauce!
Secret #2. Slow cooking is the key to juicy tender fall off the bone meat.
This is probably the most prominent of professional BBQ secrets. Masters will always tell you that the key to really great tender meat is slow cooking, slow roasting etc. If you are cooking beef ribs for instance, you will want to cook them in the oven in advance at a low temperature for about 6 to 7 hours before even putting them on the grill.
Secret #3. The moment you decide to put the sauce on is crucial.
This is one of those professional BBQ secrets that's talked about less. In many recipes it is important to put the sauce on at just the right time for maximum tastes. There are even different techniques to applying sauce. If you had finished the pre-cook cycle of those beef ribs, you would then put them on the grill and apply the sauce top to bottom immediately. You'd cook some then coat, cook some then coat, cook some then coat. This caramelizes the sauce and holds the meat together so it doesn't fall off the bone too fast.
BBQ Grill Maintenance Secrets

Purchase a rubber heat resistant sauce brush from your local cooking store and you wont have to worry about bristle hairs in your meat. These coat the meat with sauce perfectly. They are also dishwasher safe. You can pick them up at your local cooking store.

If your BBQ came with a temperature gage, learn to use it. This is often overlooked. Learning to use the temperature gage on you BBQ can take the guess work out of tender meat results. Once you get a BBQ cook book, make sure it has details included about the gage for different meats.

Brush the grills of your BBQ before and after use. BBQ professionals make a habit of this. They maintain their grill with ownership and dedication. It's really not that hard though. Use vegetable oil to brush on the grills before and after use to keep the charcoal that might collect on the grills soft. This makes for easy cleaning.
These tips can help anyone have an edge in barbecue but you want to continue learning from masters and professionals for great BBQ recipes and skills.

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